February 2016 - Feduccia Prayer
January 2016 - Pornography Affecting the Marriage Rate?
December 2015 - Belief is a Choice
USCCB World meeting of the Families Site
August 2015 - What is Life Teen
August 2015 - Changes for 2015
May 2015 - Video - Camp Generational humor
May 2015 - Article - In changing times, the young will lead
May 2015 - Field Expert - Michael McQueen
Catholic Relief Services: www.crs.org
Center for Ministry Development: www.cmdnet.org
Cultivation Ministries: www.cultivationministries.org
CYO Diocesan Basketball Program: www.northbaycyo.org
Diocese of Hexham-Newcastle Youth Ministry Team: www.ymt.org
Instituto Fe y Vida: www.feyvida.org
Life Teen Ministries: www.lifeteen.com or www.catholicyouthministry.com
Ministry Training Source: www.ministrytrainingsource.org
National Association of Catholic Youth Ministry Leaders: www.nacyml.org
National CYO Sports: www.nationalcyosports.org
National Evangelization Team (NET) Ministries: www.netusa.org
National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry: www.nfcym.org
Oregon Catholic Press: www.ocp.org
Saint Mary’s Press: www.smp.org
Spirit & Song: www.spiritandsong.com
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB): www.usccb.org
The Vatican: www.vatican.va
World Library Publications: www.wlp.org
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