The Lord has not abandoned us! First of all, I commend all the faithful for any efforts made to assure some electronic connection with your Church or local parish. I trust that many of you participated in broadcast Masses from your Churches or Chapels and that these provided some spiritual solace.
Memo to All Pastors, Parochial Administrators, Parochial Vicars, Deacons and the People of God: These are very challenging and troubling times which call for prayer, patience and great prudence. While recognizing that the faithful rely greatly upon the spiritual solace which weekly and daily Mass provide, the present threats to the physical health and wellbeing of entire communities require measures in the Church comparable and even greater than those taken by civil authorities.
In response to the current crisis surrounding the Coronavirus, we acknowledge the legitimacy of fears and the need to exercise an abundance of caution in order to minimize the risk of infection and to save lives. At the same time, we recognize the need to exercise our faith and to act in a way consistent with calm attentiveness to prudence, public health and prayer.